3. Spontaneous Generation

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Traditional religion attributed the origin of life to the supernatural power who created the whole natural world. But Spontaneous Generation was the first naturalistic theory of life arising from non-life; which goes back to Aristotle and continued until the 19th century by which many people believed in the regular spontaneous generation of complex, living organisms that are generated by decaying organic substances like mice might spontaneously appear in the stored grains or maggots could spontaneously appear in meat and so on. It is a rough idea of heterogenesis theory which explains that some forms of life could arise from different forms. That was briefly explained in 1962, a modern scientist John Desmond Bernal said that the basic idea of such theories was that life was continuously created as a result of chance events.
Girolamo Fracastaoro
In 1546, an Italian physician, Girolamo Fracastaoro theorized that epidermic diseases were caused by tiny, invisible particles or “spores”, which might not be living creatures, but this was not widely accepted.
Robert Hooke
In 1665, an English philosopher, Robert Hooke published the first drawings of a microorganism and later followed by a Dutch scientist, Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek discovered microorganism that were probably protozoa and bacteria in 1676.
Francesco Redi
But in 1668, an Italian physician, Francesco Redi showed that no maggots appeared in meat when flies were prevented from laying eggs which led to prove that spontaneous generation was false.
Lazzaro Spallanzani

But this couldn't disprove this spontaneous generation theory while as in 1768, Lazzaro Spallanzani, an Italian biologist, demonstrated that microbes were present in the air and could be killed by boiling.
Louis Paster

Flask used for 
In 1861, a French biologist, Louis Paster disproving by performing a series of experiments which demonstrated that organisms such as bacteria and fungi do not spontaneously appear in sterile, nutrient-rich media without the help of spores, but could only appear by invasion from without. This experiment supported the cell theory.

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