1. Introduction

According to the best estimations of astronomers, at least one hundred billions of galaxies are there in the Observable Universe, out of which, only one is our Milky Way. Milky Way is made of dust, gases and of course, an hundred billions of stars. Our Sun is just one of them and it is revolving around by eight or more planets in which our Earth is one of those planets. The age of Earth is estimated approximately about 4.54 billion years old.

 Throughput these many years, our planet Earth has becoming a home for ten millions of different forms of life. Out of these, only one species is called Homo Sapiens Sapiens that’s what we are.  And at last, YOU. You are one of the billions of this species on the Earth. But you are unique in this whole Universe and that lies the brilliance about life. Life formed on Earth is a wonder and the formation of different lifeforms is a miracle but the Origin of Life on this small of piece of rock called Earth is an unclear Mystery.
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Earlier mentioned that our earth has becoming a home for almost 10 million species, out of which , only 1.2 million species have been documented and over 86% have not yet been described. However in that, 10 million species was only an assumption but the real truth lying behind was somewhat beyond our assumptions. On May 2016, scientific report estimates that one trillion species are currently living on our earth, out of which only one-thousandth of one percent were described and that was the documented 1.2 million species mentioned earlier. So this explains how huge is our Earth's Biosphere and we can consider it extending down to at least 19 km deep below the earth's surface and extending up to at least 64 km into the earth's atmosphere. Not only that, more than 99% of all species of lifeforms that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct.

Currently, our earth remains the only place in the Universe known to harbor lifeforms on it. A life form is an entity that is living along with its growing, reproducing and dying on its own natural biological process. All the existing forms of life used different types of biological process to reproduce their young ones which causes the reason for maintaining the existence of life on Earth for generations. And we also know that all these existing form of life were generally made up of the smallest units called Cells.
Cells are often called the building blocks of life and all the cells comes from the pre-existing cells. But do you ever think about from where does the very first primitive cell made of? Yeah, let consider our Earth without life and even there is no pre-existing cells, how does the very first cell formed? How does the life emerged on the surface of our earth? What was the first life form sprout on Earth? And here arises the concept about the Origin Of Life?
