16. Conclusion

The evidence seems to suggest that all life on earth has developed from a single organism back in the mists of time and perhaps even from one single common ancestral cell known as the “Last Universal Common Ancestor” (LUCA) which is the hypothetical latest living organism from which all organisms now living on earth descent that is estimated to have lived some 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago. However the actual mechanism for its origination is still far from clear.
Image result for last universal common ancestorImage result for last universal common ancestor
If the universe contains a billions of billions planets, then the chances that life will arise on one of them is not really so remarkable. If as some physicists claim, our universe is just on of many in a multiverse, each of which contains a billion planets, then the chances that life will arise on at least one of them is almost a certainty. Also it is only in quite recent years that living things have been discovered in conditions as unlikely as hot volcanic vents, deep beneath the sea and in totally dark and dry lava tubes in the desert.

Whereas science progresses, there is even the possibility of one day creating man-made life. It has been identified a total of 151 essential components which represent the minimum for the creation of life that a kind sort of blueprint for life itself and has been making rapid progress in synthesizing them in the laboratory. This remains an area of intense debate between scientific and religious circles. But the real problem is this that the origin of life screams at us that there is a super intelligent Creator of Life and that is just not acceptable to the secular mind of today. Finding the proof for the origin of life is like as getting the scientific proof for the existence of god which is the supernatural power for the existence of everything.
